About Us
The Homosassa River Alliance is a community-driven, not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization whose goal is to help restore, protect, and perpetuate the native ecological integrity of the Homosassa River System. Any factor causing environmental degradation and any means to aid in restoration is appropriate for the attention of the River Alliance.
We aim to be the “Voice of the River," to educate the public on different impacts on the river’s health and to ensure its restoration, health and protection for the benefit of future generations.
Our tax-deductible membership dues are $20 per person, $30 per family and $50 per sponsor per calendar year.
Membership and an e-mail address will put you on our mailing list for notices of meetings and special events and for the newsletter, "Voice of the River," which comes out at least twice a year.
We meet in Homosassa monthly on the second Thursday at 7:00pm the Homosassa Civic Club, except July and August. Our April meetings are our annual picnic and awards presentation .
Our regular projects include: (Past and Present Projects)
- Education – An all-day training tour of the Homosassa River for third grade students in Homosassa Elementary School.
- Conservation – Member participation in a monthly water testing in the Bluebird Springs and in the headwaters of the Homosassa River as part of Lake Watch
- Community Education – We were recently appointed to a three-year term on the Southwest Florida Water Management Environmental Advisory Board..
- Monitoring – Members attend conferences, classes and meetings to learn more about protecting the springs, rivers and watersheds and report on their findings at our general meetings.
- Meetings – We meet in Homosassa monthly on the second Thursday at 7:00pm at the Homosassa Civic Club, except July and August.
- Community Education – We are examining options for additional protection and restoration resource for the river, such as state Aquatic Preserve designation.
- Monitoring/Education – Monitor county and state governmental actions on matters of interest to our Mission; for example, the setting of minimum flow levels for our springs and implementation of the SWFMD SWIM Plan for the basin. We speak up to advocate for the river and to oppose any degradation of the river’s qualities as Florida Outstanding Waters.
- Partnership – We work with Citrus 20/20 on Save Our Waters Week and participate in judging and awarding cash prizes for the annual Citrus County Science and Technology Fair.
- Education - We award an annual scholarship to an outstanding Citrus County Senior pursuing an education in an environmental science field.
- Education – We have donated scientific equipment to the Homosassa Elementary School, the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park and to the Academy of Environmental Science.
- Education – We work with numerous partners; for example, Swiftmud, the Citrus County BOCC, CCA, and the Florida FWC to conduct an education program focusing on the elimination of the disposal of scallop shells into our Outstanding Waterway.
- Fund Raising – We participate in a joint venture with the Homosassa Civic Club by selling raffle tickets for the grand prizes of the Homosassa Arts, Crafts & Seafood Festival each November.
- Restoration - We have planted and monitored mangrove seedlings at the end of the Homosassa River, using a SWFMD grant.
- Partnership – We have provided support, including advocacy and donations, for the Homosassa River Restoration Project.
- Partnership – We are establishing active liaison and support for the Florida FWC Law Enforcement’s boater education and enforcement initiatives.
- Partnership - We have worked with local businesses, including Kane's Hardware, to provide supplemental resources for the Florida FWC enforcement officers to help them make the river safer and more protected for boaters and our natural resources.
- Zoning – We have successfully ended a proposed development on the North side of the river which would have affected the health of the river.
Homosassa River Alliance
P.O. Box 124
Homosassa, FL 34487
Board of Directors